Year 2013 in Club Sportkoer
It is time to make the annual summary of the dogsport year in our club. When a summary from year 2012 was written, I thought that 2012 was so successful, that its not realistic to exceed it next year. In 2012, 13 of our teams started in IPO and 17 first time results in IPO and FH were achieved. Considering Estonian total numbeas, it was a remarkable amount. Today I have to seay, that year 2013 was actually even more successful. Actually this is even quite logical, as there are many young dogs training in the club and this creates a situation, where the numbers keep growing :).
I will start with the most important accomplishments. Year 2013 was historical for Sportkoer, as our teams won all Estonian championships in IPO and FH/IPO-FH, namely:
Estonian IPO Championships
1. Anu and Hundu
2. Merike and Käbi
3. Kristi and Eileen
Actually also the 4th and 5th places belonged to our members
Estonian German Shepherds' IPO Championships
Champions Anu and Hundu
Estonian IPO-FH Championships
1. Aarne and Sannu
2. Merike and Käbi
Estonian German Shepherds FH Championships
Champions Merike and Käbi
Winners of the competition Aarne and Sannu
And as an icing on a cake:
Estonian KK Championships (national obedience)
1. Anu and Hundu
and of course also
Estonian German Shepherds' Universal winners (GSD show + IPO-3):
Toomas and Joop
and when speaking about IPO competitions in general, teams from Sportkoer also won another two in IPO-3 Merike and Käbi in May (organized by Estonian German Shepherds Association) and Anu and Hundu in October (club Uran)!
I think that everyone in our team can be really happy and proud about this list above. Obviously this kind of results do not happen without the support and help of all members! Congratulations to all our team members!
As in 2012, there were also 13 dogs starting in IPO this year and 11 of them also succeeded. The results that were achieved first time this year, are shown in bold.
Merike and Käbi IPO-3, FH2, IPO-FH
Aarne and Sannu FH1, FH2, IPO-FH, IPO-2, IPO-3
Anu and Hundu IPO-2, IPO-3, KK-3
Reelika and Fiona IPO-2, IPO-3, FH1, IPO-FH
Katriin and Qwinto IPO-3
Veiko and Vegas IPO-3
Toomas and Joop IPO-3
Monika and Wanda IPO-1, IPO-2
Kristi and Eileen IPO-2, IPO-3
Jovita and Neshas IPO-1
Andres and Blakcy IPO-1
Taivo and Ruudi IPO-1
Katriin and Mirru IPO-1
9 teams out of these 13 made their performances in competitions and most of them came home with a trophy.
These teams make up about 1/3 of all the dogs participating in IPO in Estonia this year, so we find it a really nice accomplishment. The number of first time results was 15, that is also great. We hope that it continues to grow in 2014, as there are at least 5-6 young dogs more training in our club, who could also complement the IPO crowd. Of course there will be some dogs who retire after this season.
This year we also celebrated the fact that our members fulfilled the requirements for qualifying to world championships. Merike and Käbi and Anu and Hundu qualified for WUSV IPO WC 2013; Aarne and Sannu and Merike and Käbi qualified for FCI IPO-FH WC 2014 and we hold our fingers crossed that they are able to participate in the latter next spring!
In addition to people and dogs mentioned before, there were also friends from Latvia Natalija and Ella and Evija and Li training with us on regular basis this year. Evija trained with us 4-5 full weekends and Natalija even more she participated in ca 20 protection trainings and also in our training camp. We are really glad, that we could help them to accomplish great results in Estonia Natalija and Ella won both CACIT IPO and Estonian German Shepherds IPO Championship, Evija and Li took the 2nd place at the latter. Great job! Today they are also making plans to continue training with us and are aiming for world championships in 2014.
Successful organizing of CACIT IPO competition together was also a landmark for year 2013 for Sportkoer. The organizational work was quite a challenge for our small club, but we started early and everything worked out nicely. We knew the amount of effort needed to host such event, but considered it to be worthwhile, as it set new stardard for Estonian competitions and gathered much positiive attention for dogsport and dog training in general. We also continued to organize competitions for fresh starters in dogsport both tracking competition for puppides and young dogs (Jäljehunt) and obedience competition for young handlers (Junior Cup) were held again in 2013.
In 2013 we also started interesting projects in collaboration with Royal Canin Estonia. We participated in several public events to promote dog training and dogsport and are hoping to raise the overall awareness about keeping and training dogs in Estonia. Royal Canin is also supporting 3 of our members with a yearly supply of dog food and additives. We are really glad that they appriciate the necessity to train dogs that much!
Of course we have also high hopes for 2014, as this should be the year, that sees our members also on world championships. There should also be some exciting fresh blood coming this spring, as some members are planning to start with new puppies and train them for higher goals from the beginning. We will wait and see!
I would like to thank all of our team members that have been really supportive towards each other and helped to celebrate our happy moments together. We are also very grateful to all the people and companies who helped us in various valuable ways:
Royal Canin Estonia
Laululinnu Guesthouse
US Parts Eesti
Rauavalu OÜ
Ene and Aavo Mitt
Rein Riga
Virumaa Teataja