Club Sportkoer presents:

Location: Harjumaa, near Tallinn
Anu Oks & Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin (german shepherd)
Hanna Pasanen & O'zone Java (dobermann)
Greta Rüütel & Nicky vom Haus Luka (hovawart)
Reelika Reilson & Vyatkins' Vesper (belgia shepherd malinois)
Hanna Pasanen & Dascha vom Havelland (dobermann)
Merike Kungla & Estrellest Hurmuri Käbi (german shepherd)
Tracking conditions: Dirt field is our first choice. As the spring has started earlier this year, there is a chance that finding appropriate dirt fields is not possible and therefore we may be forced to use grass fields for entire competition or part of it. We are updating information about fields as soon as it becomes clear.
Tracking articles: wood, leather, textile. Photos: FH1, FH2.
More information about the fields will be added before the competition.
Registration has ended. Entry fee 22 EUR must be transferred to MTÜ Sportkoer's bank account (IBAN: EE827700771000830075, AS LHV Pank), deadline 1.05.2014.
Additional information: tracking coordinator Mari Ojarand (mari.ojarand@gmail.com.ee, +372 52 03 023)
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