Club Sportkoer presents:

Location: Harjumaa, near Tallinn
10.35 Gathering for FH1
11.00-12.30 FH1 tracks
12.35 Gathering for FH2
13.00-16.15 FH2 tracks
Leela Nõu & Falk Festus Allegro (dobermann)
Aivo Oblikas & Daneskjold Hawk (belgian shepherd malinois)
Triin Kalekin & Defendervil Gretel (german shepherd)
Aarne Väli & Tulikuuma Sähkövirta (belgian shepherd malinois)
Anu Oks & Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin (german shepherd)
Greta Rüütel & Nicky vom Haus Luka (hovawart)
Paavo Rapila & Imzedrifts Sarek (german shepherd)
Tracking conditions: grass field. Images of the tracking field can be seen here picture 1, picture 2, picture 3.
Tracking articles: wood, leather, textile. Photos: FH1, FH2.
Registration has ended!
Entry fee 28 EUR must be transferred to MTÜ Sportkoer's bank account (IBAN: EE827700771000830075, BIC: LHVBEE22, AS LHV Pank), deadline 30.04.2015.
Additional information: tracking coordinator Mari Ojarand (mari.ojarand@gmail.com, +372 52 03 023)
Information about the judge: Outi Hermiö (Finland)
- trained working dogs more than 20 years;
- achieved multiple podium places at Finnish Championships in IPO and IPO-FH;
- qualified to and participated many times in FCI World Championships in IPO and IPO-FH;
- demanded tracking trainer;
- judged Finnish Boxer FH Championships and Finnish Dobermann FH Championships;
- judged over 40 trials and competition in last 2 years.
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